Monday, October 5, 2009

The Gayest Post. Ever.

Heehee. I'm back honeys!

Today, we are gonna discuss gay people. Or bi. Whatever.

I love these mofo's. Not a lot in school though. Well, except for bi, it's like a fad. Tina Fey says "Bi is a myth from the 90's, used to sell hair products..."

Do you agree? Haha.

Anyways. I think that gay people need a bit more respect.
Think about it. Gays are like nature's balance system. Like X-Men mutants, or a new evolution. 'Cept they've been around foevah.
They used to burn gays! That's what a faggot is, a stick you burn the gay people upon.

Webster: 1 Universe: 2827496847365235383955743636

Anyways. You just hafta think about it. Gays can still perform intercourse (the fancy-shmancy way to say teh buttsecks or just regular sex) but there won't be any dire consequences. I mean, how can you get a man pregnant? Unless they had a sex change, then they wouldn't be a man. Just a reeeeeeeeeally flat girl... with facial hair.

So, really, they are keeping the world safe from over-population.

Oh, wait. That already happened.

That's what you get you damn faggots for burning gays on faggots!




  1. Oh! I guess you do have a comment button. I could not see it from my phone's screen.
    Anyways, this blog is interesting so keep blogging.
    I'm BaddaBamXoStephyIzHerrre from Fanfiction btw.
    And yeah. :P Nice blog.

  2. oh man, i can actually comment on here!! ive had problems with that...anyways, update!!


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